Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Have a thick skin, Cancer

In the course of some actual work, I was on the Toronto Star website and stumbled across my horoscope for today:

Cancer (June 22 — July 22)
The current cosmic climate makes it essential to have a thick skin and a lot of stamina. Remain focused on your goals and a certain melodrama will lose its power.

Not sure how reliable it is, given it's Canadian and all...but I think the cosmic significance of these things surpasses national borders.

In any case, it's pretty appropriate. I've been letting a couple of drama-filled situations get me down, and I need to toughen up and get over them. The subhead of the horoscope page was even: Have a thick skin, Cancer.

I guess someone wanted me to get the message.

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

hmm. and by, have a thick skin, I suppose it could mean many things, but first and foremost, skin re-generates thickly when one truly confronts their abusive employer. It's a proven truth!