Friday, October 31, 2008

You can't use an elliptical machine with a martini in your hand...or else I would love the gym!

My DC partner in crime drug me to the gym last night. Unfortunately, I'm not the biggest fan of working out. I walk a lot around DC...usually in heels so I consider that my cardio. I know I should do more, and I know you feel better after it's over...blah, blah, blah.

I did manage to do twice the cardio I normally do and did feel great afterward. Plus, it made me so tired that I actually fell asleep at a decent hour, which hasn't been happening the last few months.

Is it bad though, that for the first 15 minutes I was there, all I could think about was how much I wanted a dirty martini and a cigarette??? I have issues...

T-minus 3 hours til I get this weekend started with champagne at my office to celebrate 2 years on the job...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy 2-year Anniversary to DC and me!

Today marks my two-year anniversary at my job and living in DC. In some ways it seems like so much longer than that, and in others, like I just loaded up my U-haul truck and drove halfway across the country.

After months of phone interviews, follow-up calls, and shameless self promotion, I traveled to Washington, DC at the beginning of October 2006 for a face-to-face interview. I accepted the job on the spot, then went back to Texas and made preparations to move within three weeks. Although I was excited, I actually wasn’t sure I would like DC. I’ve had a lifelong infatuation with Manhattan and was even fortunate enough to work there in 2005, and I just wasn’t sure how our nation’s capital would compare. But looking back over the last two years, I know moving here was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Still, it’s been a surprising journey…one that continues to shock the hell out of me. If you had told me two years ago all that was ahead of me, I would have told you that you were crazy. I would never have believed that I would:

  • be promoted to Communications Director;
  • end a six-year relationship…and this time for good;
  • move in with two total strangers (who would both end up having a Texas connection) and one of them would end up becoming one of my closest friends;
  • be single, living on my own, and ok with that;
  • actually get rid of my storage unit and make a real home in DC; and that I would
  • have met so many intriguing people from across the nation who would challenge and change me.

All this makes me wonder how different my life will be in the next two years, or five years, or 10 years. I’m a bit impatient so of course I want to know now, but I guess I have to just settle in and enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Palin can't name her 'vast variety of sources' for news...

I don't know whether I'm more entertained or scared by this video. Seriously! When pressed, couldn't she just throw out The New York Times? Oh, I can't wait until the debate tomorrow!